Friday, October 3, 2014

Week 3

Proofs! I love proofs! And apparently, so does everybody at University! I suppose proofs are fundamental to mathematics, so it makes sense that they're so popular in math streams.

Anyway, I'm going to start with positive opinions on proofs in this course. I really like how proofs are structured here; we have the assumption, then indent to indicate the universe where this assumption holds true and continue on. That is a lot more concise than many other forms where it is simply "write this up here and then continue on down the list". I think that the way proofs are structured here is going to be the way I write proofs in all situations from now on.

As for negative things I found about proofs, I really don't like the lack of examples because it is hard to conceptualize how these proofs will eventually look. An issue that comes up with that is the complicated notation used for proofs here, which I really need an example to fully understand. I really hope an example comes on Monday, otherwise I will be totally lost when trying to conduct a proof. Either way, proofs are a concept I hope to grasp fully this year and I think this course might be the number one contributor to that goal.

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